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sidux is a Linux distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux Sid. The distribution runs as a live-system and is very easy installable to harddisk. The project is forwarded by a team of free developer, the license is under GPL and this system is full compatible to Debian Sid.
sidux was established on 24th of November 2006 by persons who were working actively on the Kanotix distribution before.
The reasons for the separation and the start of the sidux project are described in the following posting [http://kanotix.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-22892.html on the kanotix board].
The live CD is ready on the middle of January 2007.
The procedure of the installation is to take the h2-script [http://techpatterns.com/forums/about736.html http://techpatterns.com/forums/about736.html] which changes a regularly debian installation to the sidux distribution.
Quote from the project homepage:
"On 24th of November 2006 sidux was formed by a group of people who strive to do the impossible: making Debian Sid (aka "Unstable") stable. The goal is becoming the best Debian Sid based live distro with special focus on clean and easy hard disk install. Strategic milestones and 3-4 planned releases timetabled will give stability and accountability to corporate and home users with a demand for bleeding edge software running on modern hardware, and a definable path over time."
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