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Reverse Telnet is a mean of connecting to a TTY line via a regular telnet connection. That way, you may seem as you are connected to an RS-232 serial terminal line through the telnet daemon. In other words, it is the initiation of a telnet session from a DTE to one of its remote users.
It is typically used to connect to modems or other external asynchronous devices. However, today, reverse telnet is used mostly for terminal service purposes. That is having a server dedicated for connecting directly to a console port of a router, switch or other device.
A typical client connection would look like this: #telnet 2002, where is the IP address of the interface of the local device, and 2002 is the TTY line, not the TCP port.
A typical server connfiguration (on a Cisco Router) would look like this:
version 12.3
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Terminal_Server
ip host Router1 2101
ip host Router2 2102
ip host Router3 2113
interface Loopback0
description Used for Terminal Service
ip address
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
password MyPassword
line 97 128
transport input telnet
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password MyPassword
transport input none
Reverse telnet should not be confused with the telnet application.
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