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Because of the open source philosophy that linux brings to the software world, many people have ported the linux kernel to run on devices other than a computer. Below is a list of some devices that have been ported:

DVR ( Digital Video Recorder )

* Tivo
* ReplayTV

Multimedia Devices

* Hauppauge Media MVP
* Apple iPod ,can run UClinux
* Sharp Zaurus, a pda that comes with qtopia
* Pma 400, a linux pmp under qtopia,with a hacked locked bootloader
* Nokia 770

Gaming console

* GameCube [http://www.gc-linux.org/wiki/Main_Page]
* Microsoft Xbox, can run some desktop linux distributions [http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Main_Page]
* Nintendo DS ,can run UClinux [http://dslinux.org/]
* Playstation2 [http://playstation2-linux.com/]
* Playstation3
* Sega Dreamcast [http://linuxdc.sourceforge.net/]
* GP2X
* GP32

Network Devices

Wireless Routers

* Actiontec
* *gt701-wg
* *MI424-WR - Running "Linux version 2.4.21openrg-rmk1 #6 Fri Aug 18 16:21:33 PDT 2006"
* Linksys
* *WRT54G series up to v4.0. After v5.0 series the WRT54GL was introduced with linux remaining on it.

Network Storage

* Linksys NSLU2
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